Monday, September 30, 2019
A Study About German Architecture Essay
My German ascendants are believed to hold come from the northwesterly part of Germany perchance around the metropolis of Hamburg. The metropolis of Hamburg was a major port in the early 1900s and was home to transporting to Africa, East Asia, South America and India. After the desolation of World War 1 on the state, Hamburg lost many of its trade paths and its booming economic system slowed with the remainder of Germany. This made the former extremely popular trade port now a port to the new universe. It is believed that my ascendants came from this country around the clip that the war had ended. I believe they came to the United States in hopes of freedom and a new manner of life. The clime in Hamburg is really mild, in its warmest months of June, July, and August the mean temperature is 70 grades Fahrenheit, while in the coldest months of December, January, and February the norm is 30 grades Fahrenheit. Hamburg is located in the southmost portion of the Jutland peninsula on the Alb e River. Although in their pure signifier hunting and assemblage, every bit good as gardening and pastoralism are non subsistent schemes of today in the German civilization, thoughts from each are used in a more modern manner when it comes to the states usage of agribusiness. Though agribusiness is non the largest subsistence scheme ( about 5 % of labourers work in agricultural ) there is said to be every bit much as 53 % of land in Germany used for agricultural intents. There is about 15 % of pastoral land used for cowss, hogs, domestic fowl and some sheep. Much of the dairy land is found in the southern part of Germany, hogs and cowss are frequently grazing land in the mountain parts. To bring forth the nutrient, milk, and wool these domesticated animate beings provide there are many engineerings used today which were non originally portion of pastoralism. These many types of engineerings used in cultivating animate beings include: a type of fence or lodging to maintain the animate beings c losely confined ( henhouses for poulets ) , machines to assist bring forth and milk the cattles, automatic eating systems are sometimes used to feed the animate beings, round bailer for hay, nutrient bins or silos to hive away nutrients such as grain and hay, unreal insemination kits are used to increase the quality of construct and increase the construct rate, shearing tools are used to acquire the wool off of the sheep, Canis familiariss are besides frequently used to heard the sheep. The division of labour in cultivating these animate beings has shifted over clip from labour intensive and human powered, to more of a technologically goaded system that includes machinery and other powered equipment. Human labour is still needed but non in the capacity as it was in old old ages, human accomplishment is besides a chief portion of the division of labour. A Shearer is needed to clean the sheep of its wool, veterinaries to give shootings and assist maintain the animate beings healthy, e very bit good as trained persons who know how to properly tally and set the powered equipment. Horticultural merchandises that are produced in Germany are dependent on the part of the state where they are adult, as the terrains vary. In the northern part and parts of eastern Germany you will happen merchandises such as sugar Beta vulgariss and cereals ( grain corn and corn-cob mix ) which make up about 56 % of the cultivable land. 17 % of this cultivable land is inhabited by eatage harvests, largely in parts where population is scarce. Industrial harvests such as oil-rich seeds, hops, baccy, herbs, and spice workss are produced on about 15 % of this cultivable land. Approximately 12 % of the cultivable land is fallow or produces root harvests such as carrots and yams. Vegetables and fruits such as grapes used to do vino compile around 1 % of the cultivable land and are found in the hills of the many coastal river metropoliss that are really common in Germany ; most of which prevarication on the Rhine and the Mecca rivers. There are many agricultural engineerings used to acquir e the most out of these harvests with every bit small aid from the human manus as possible. Large machines such as combines, tractors, harvest plantation owners and ploughs allow for the usage of a few human custodies and supply the ability to reap many acres.A Irrigation systems are used to assist the harvests grow and are frequently set up in Fieldss like overhanging sprinkler systems, fertiliser is used to maintain the dirt rich and is modernly used in liquid signifier and is by and large held in a armored combat vehicle that is attached to either a tractor or harvest plantation owner, seeders which are used to works the harvests, there is besides other cultivated land and reaping equipment available for usage. The division of labour is separated by physical labourers who rely on human power to make things such as picking stones and puting up irrigation systems to trained workers who operate the heavy machinery. Most of the farms where this takes topographic point are household o wned and run on less than 150 estates. More than 75 % of the land used to cultivate harvests and animate beings in Germany is found in the western part, this land allows for the state to provide themselves with about 80 % of their one-year nutrient demands. Germany is one of Europe ‘s top industrial powers and is besides Europe ‘s prima exporter of vehicles, chemicals and machinery. Its strongest industrial countries are vehicles, chemicals, machinery, machine tools, steel, Fe, coal, and a certain drink – beer. Top companies in the German auto industry include BMW, Audi, Porsche, Mercedes, and Volkswagen. These companies help Germany remain near the top of the universe ‘s automotive industry. The fabrication of these autos is done in assembly and production mills where the usage of machinery, robotics, every bit good as human accomplishment and labour are the chief divisions of engineering and the assembly line is the most common signifier of production. The division of labour in the automotive industry includes extremely educated and skilled workers who work in the assembly workss as the applied scientists and directors. There is besides pay labourers, most of which work straight on the line bring forthing part s that help set your auto together from its engine constituents, to axles, to organic structure casting. Other pay labourers include those who adhere windscreens, install Windowss, tyres and other pieces that when set together do up your German car. The electronic revolution is really prevailing in Germany and much like the United States and the remainder of the universe is tilting towards the usage of information engineering to garner information of many different topics. These information engineerings include things such as banking where you can put up direct sedimentation with your employer every bit good as keep path of your personal fiscal history information and touristry which allows you to do travel programs without the usage of an agent. Other information engineerings include transit, instruction, gas pumps, and the largest of all communicating by manner of the cellular phone. Cell phones allow people to pass on from any location at any clip of the twenty-four hours, they are besides now frequently used as nomadic computing machines which merely increases their convenience. For these nomadic communicating devices to work decently engineerings include computing machine hardware and package to pull off the different cell phone histories, every bit good as towers and orbiters to supply a signal and frequence for these phones to be expeditiously used. The division of labour includes IT people, who create and maintain web sites and computing machine scheduling, physical labourers who are used to put up the towers and do other necessary field work, every bit good as directors who run the twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours retail operations and gross revenues people who sell the phones and supply information to accepting people a companies. The German political system is a centralised system which means people yield their sovereignty to this centralised authorities by following regulations and Torahs that have been laid out for the citizens to follow. Germanys Basic Law or Constitution divides the power of authorities into three subdivisions. They have a bicameral parliamentary legislative assembly which includes the federal council besides known as the Bundesrat, which holds 69 members, all of which are nominated by the province and the Bundestag ( federal assembly ) which has over 600 members who are elected by popular ballot to a four twelvemonth term. The executive subdivision is made up of the President ( head of province ) and Chancellor ( caput of authorities ) . The president is elected to a five twelvemonth term by the federal assembly and an equal figure of delegates from each province parliament, while the Chancellor is elected to a four twelvemonth term by the federal assembly. The Federal Constitutional Cou rt is elected every bit by both the Bundestag and Bundesrat and do up their judicial subdivision of authorities. Germany uses negative reciprocality when it comes to their informal economic and personal manner of interchanging goods and services. This means that the individual who is supplying the good or service is gaining from the dealing more so than the receiving system or purchaser. Economic exchange comes in the signifier of market exchange where there is a excess of goods that are sold for a net income and is based on the degrees of supply and demand. Germany is officially based on the economic system of capitalist economy, which promotes economic growing. Capitalism is when goods, services, labour, and resources are sold off for a net income at market where benefits travel to both the buyer and provider, even though the provider is gaining the most. The dislocation of economic sectors in Germany include 72 % third or service, about 27 % secondary or fabrication, while merely about 1 % is primary or the extraction of natural stuffs. The GDP per capita fell from $ 35,900 in 2008 to $ 34,200 in 2009, while the unemployment rate rose from 7.8 & A ; in 2008 to 8.2 % in 2009, demoing that the economic system was and still is experiencing the sick effects of the planetary economic state of affairs. There are many different faiths practiced freely in Germany under the basic jurisprudence and they all pattern monotheism which concludes they all believe in one supreme higher being. The figure one faith is Christianity with about 67 per centum who are chiefly located in southern and eastern Germany. The figure two faith is Islam at around 4 per centum, most of whom are immigrants from Turkey. The remainder of the spiritual sector is made up of largely Buddhism and Judaism. There is besides a strong population of Germans who believe there is no God and pattern Atheism. Though most of the people in Germany do non go to church on a regular footing most still recognize spiritual ceremonials such as vacations, baptisms, matrimonies, and funerals. Some spiritual vacations include Good Friday, Easter Monday, Fronleichnam ( 60 yearss after Easter ) , and Weihnachten ( German name for Christmas ) . Though faith is practiced freely there are Torahs in topographic point that revenue enhanceme nt members of their several churches to assist fund any and all church related disbursals. This revenue enhancement can either be collected by the community the church is in or the province. If you are non portion of a church that collects these revenue enhancements so you merely do non hold to pay the church revenue enhancement. Marriage in Germany is typical to that of the United States as people are free to take who they marry which is known as love lucifer, while the type of matrimony practiced is a monogynist one, intending there is merely one partner. Their post-marital abode is neolocal, this is when the honeymooners get their ain place outside of the bride or grooms abode. Descent in Germany is unilineal, intending that affinity can be traced through either the female parent ‘s or father ‘s line. Germans refer to kin fundamentally the same manner that we do in the United States though distant relations such as 2nd cousins or great uncles have no specific differentiation. Kinship is of import to the German people and is shown most during vacations, household assemblages, and other of import parts in a individual ‘s life. The in-between category is the most prevailing societal category at about 54 per centum of the population, though there has been much noted to the fact that this cate gory is and has been acquiring smaller over the past old ages. Cultural groups in Germany consist chiefly of Germans at around 92 per centum, while 2.4 per centum are of Turkish descent, while the other class consists chiefly of Greek, Italian, Russian, Polish, and Spanish at about 6 per centum. Though adult females in Germany do hold equal rights they are still strongly leaned upon for childrearing patterns every bit good as twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours household responsibilities. Watching the picture â€Å" Romantic Germany †every bit good as questioning person who really lived in Germany truly helped me to better understand the civilization in which they live. Most big metropoliss every bit good as tourer finishs are located on one of the major waterways that flow through this state. Outside, in the hills of these metropoliss is where you will happen many household owned vineries every bit good as smaller pastoralist farms that house animate beings such as cowss and sheep. Lake Constance, the biggest lake in Germany is one of the most popular recreational and tourer finishs in Europe. It is located on the Rhine in the northern part of the Alps and is surrounded by neighbouring states Switzerland and Austria, there are besides many dumbly populated metropoliss along the seashore of this lake and you will most likely discovery farm animal graze in the hills of these metropoliss. One of the state ‘s most celebrated and recognizable festivals is Oktoberfest the universe ‘s largest just held every twelvemonth in Munich which consists of some 6 million participants in its 16 – 18 twenty-four hours entireness. The festival is known for its great nutrient, music, carnival drives, and beer imbibing. The chief athletics in Germany is soccer and you will ever hold an chance to take part as the state is home to over 1,000 club squads. Other popular athleticss in Germany include bobsleighing, luge, and skeleton partially because they are the lone state in the universe to hold four paths for each athletics. Other popular recreational activities include biking and boosting through the countryside. Germany ‘s most celebrated professional jocks include Boris Becker and Steffi Graf, both of which are former expansive sweep winning tennis participants along with former expression one universe title-holder Michael Schumacher. Bernard Langer is a erstw hile Masterss golf title-holder and former universe figure one golf player. Presently the most popular German jock executing in an American athleticss conference is former MVP and power forward for the Dallas Mavericks Dirk Nowitzki.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living alone? How can living alone or living with other people affect your mood or behavior? Is living alone something that Is appropriate for you? Why or why not? The advantages of living alone are that you feel more comfortable being dependent on yourself, no sense of control, and free. You can do whatever and however you want, keep things in the order you want, and no one will judge you.For example, ear anything you want, watch your favorite channel and listen to music as loud as you wish, and no one will complain about it. The disadvantage of living alone is that it gets depressing from time to time. Having a partner or a roommate is really helpful in many situations. One of the examples, if you fall ill there will be someone who will take care of you. Another example is that you will have company when watching TV, cooking food, or dinning together.But, there are different types of people, some refer living alone and it doesn't get bor ing or depressing for them, others like to live with someone and feel comfortable with it. People who live alone tend to be more angry, lonely and depressed. Therefore, their mood is not always good. People who live with other people most of the times would be happy. This is because there is always someone they can chat with, discuss, and be around with. Living alone for me is appropriate, for now. I think that Is because now Is the stage in my life, where I need to live alone for a bit.Learn how to be dependent on myself, be responsible for the actions I do, and feel free. Mr.. Michael By mushy DO. Write What are the advantages and disadvantages of living alone? How can living alone or living with other people affect your mood or behavior? Is living alone something that is appropriate for you? Why or why not? Want, keep things in the order you want, and no one will Judge you. For example, Living alone for me is appropriate, for now. I think that is because now is the stage.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Dysexecutive Syndrome
Dysexecutive Syndrome occurs when there is a loss of executive brain function. The term was first coined by Alan Baddeley and may result from physical trauma such as a blow to the head, a stroke or other internal trauma. Executive brain function, which includes insight, judgment, planning and initiative, makes it possible for humans to successfully manage the problems of everyday life. These functions allow individuals to carefully navigate day to day activities, make certain decisions, while evaluating the outcome, and plan accordingly.Loss of executive function occurs as a result of brain disease, injury, intellectual disability or psychiatric disorders. The loss of executive function may be permanent as a result of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, schizophrenia or massive head injury. Temporary loss may result from delirium, physical illness or intoxication. While the syndrome manifests itself in various ways, it is mainly apparent from the â€Å"afflicted person’s pr ior personality, life experiences and intellect†(Royal Hobart Hospital Department of Health and Human Services ).Dysexecutive Syndrome was once thought to be associated with frontal lobe syndrome. However, researchers have come to realize that this syndrome may occur as a result of impairment to other parts of the brain and not just the frontal lobe. Symptoms of Dysexecutive Syndrome may fall into three different categories: cognitive, emotional and behavioral. Symptoms include loss of memory which causes the individual to lose track of conversations, have trouble interacting socially and following a story-line.Therefore it is very difficult for a person suffering from this syndrome to carry on with simple tasks that were once the norm for them such as reading and maintaining simple conversations. It is also very common for individuals with this syndrome to lose problem-solving skills and lack good judgment which are essential for daily activities, communication with others an d general behavior. The lack of insight leads to a loss of social skills such as normal speech and how to behave in social and group settings.Due to their loss of cognitive reasoning, they may also react aggressively or appear stubborn and self-centered. They have little or no control over their reactions to frustration or their lack of understanding. They have forgotten how to control their behavior and have no sense of what is acceptable in certain social situations. It is also common for patients suffering from this syndrome to have disturbed sleep patterns. They also have the tendency to become resistant and aggressive when others try to provide care as they are unable to recognize or fathom what is happening to them.Many times, the person with this illness does not realize that they have a problem therefore they are unable to do anything to rectify it. There is no cure for Dysexecutive Syndrome, however, therapy is available that helps the patient to cope. In order to assist so meone experiencing Dysexecutive Syndrome, the caretaker should encourage conversation while focusing on familiar, reminiscent and here and now contextual information. These conversations should take place in a quiet place where there are no distractions. Large group conversations should be avoided as this may confuse and frustrate the patient.The caretaker should also give orientating information regularly throughout the conversation, providing gentle reminders about the conversation topic and explaining things clearly and simply. They should ensure that the patient understands the conversation and take care to repeat and simplify if necessary. The caretaker should also aim to provide structure for the patient by trying to keep the same daily routine where possible. They should point out problems gently and tactfully and encourage the patient to write important things down.Assist the patient by providing memory and orientation aids such as a clock, diary, calendar, timetable, notebo ok, photo album, etc. And avoid asking complex questions which require good understanding and memory. With the loss of the ability to perform simple, everyday tasks, patients experience a loss of self-esteem and self-worth. This may contribute to frustration, boredom and aggression. To avoid this, caretakers or loved ones should be sure to involve them in the activities that they are still able to do.Encourage responsibility and contribution to the household in order to reinforce their importance. Engage them in diversional, recreational and functional activities. It would also help to write out activities so they are able to read and follow steps. It is difficult for both a patient and a loved one dealing with this illness. Since the patient is experiencing a loss of cognitive reasoning, it is up to the caretaker or loved one to recognize the symptoms and assist the patient with regular day to day functions.It is the caretaker’s responsibility to try and uplift or maintain t he patient’s self-confidence while assisting them with navigating the normal issues of day to day life and activities. While it is never easy on anyone involved, there are strategies that can alleviate the situation. Recognizing the symptoms of this syndrome is the first step in helping everyone to cope. Reference Alderman, N. , Burgess, P. , Emsile, H. , Evans, J. J. , & Wilson, B. A. ,(1996). Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) by Barbara A. Wilson, Jonathan J.Evans, Hazel Emsile, Nick Alderman and Paul Burgess. Retrieved from http://www. dwp. gov. uk/docs/no2-sum-03-test-review-2. pdf Dysexecutive Syndrome. (2012). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved October 29, 2012, from http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/1432238/dysexecutive-syndrome Royal Hobart Hospital Department of Health and Human Services. (n. d. ). Retrieved October 29, 2012, from http://www. dhhs. tas. gov. au/search? queries_all_query=www. dhhs. tas. gov. au%2FDysexecutiveSyndr ome¤t_result_page=1&results_per_page=10&submitted_search_category=&mode
Friday, September 27, 2019
Reading response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 43
Reading response - Essay Example The picture helps in showing that both natural and human may have some relationship. His work is also seen as different from recent photographers. As a result, there is argument that his work is old fashioned and lacking taste. However, it is clear that his work maintains some originality and complexity. Hence, one may argue that Adams work provide a vivid description of the realities on the ground. The other controversy in the article is perception of the relationship between man and nature. Some artists such as Thoreau are shown to believe that man is not part of nature (4). However, as the article notes a good landscape may be achieved with people on it. I concur with this view as in many occasions; man has struggled to make improvement to the landscape through beautifications. For this reason, man should not be made to appear different from the aesthetic component. Man should be seen as playing part in the beautification of land. On the other hand, it is clear that man should not be seen as an enemy to preservation of nature. This is because man plays a significant role in the preservation of nature. For example, man erects a fence to preserve parks (4). Hence, excluding man will not help in preserving our natural landscape. The conservation can only be achieved through natural use of land by man. Therefore, as Adams notes, if a man uses natural environment badly, he is the one to blame. On the other hand, there is the focus on photography as provision of meaning. Real photography is seen as proving more meaning as compared to the aesthetic component (7). Moreover, photography is also shown as offering description of a place. In my opinion, photography can help in understanding of a place if properly taken by an objective person. For example, this can be seen in documentary photographs
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Differentiation Chart for Elementary Education Classroom Research Paper
Differentiation Chart for Elementary Education Classroom - Research Paper Example The learning stations designed will have to appropriately expose students to the intended diverse strategies and choices which will effectively meet the needs of the learners (Tomlinson, 2004). Offering an equal number of assignment questions for each group of students. However, the complexity of these questions will vary from one group to the other. The learners who will demonstration the need of rather challenging questions will be provided to, especially those at the higher level of cognitive thinking as demonstrated in the blooms taxonomy. Creating small temporary groups that will last for specified periods of time. This will enable the learners to temporarily accomplish tasks together in a variety of ways. Consequently, the activities and learning outcomes will determine the means in which the learners engage in learning (Tomlinson, 2004). Assessing the awareness, readiness, knowledge interests, weaknesses and strengths of a learner relative to academic abilities. This is to find out the entry behaviour of the learner. For example finding out the prior mastery of knowledge, the previous understandings as well as the skills possessed by the learner. This helps in the prediction of what is necessary for furthering the understanding and level of mastery of the learner (Tomlinson, 2004). Provide an objective to be accomplished by flexible groups with members who has similar readiness level. For example providing opportunities for the learners in order to practice using individual whiteboards and manipulatives. For example, how to add fractions with like denominators different groups will accomplish varying complex questions (Benjamin,
Summary and analyze of No Place to Hide by Glenn Greenwald Essay
Summary and analyze of No Place to Hide by Glenn Greenwald - Essay Example The core there is that he came to realization that a small unit of people in USA did operate under their unique set of rules, receiving real protection from the government. As a result, the book came up as a result of vent up anger of the injustice in the society (Greenwald, pg. 30). The second chapter reveals the meeting point of Greenwald; MacAskil and Poitras spend in a debriefing session in Hong Kong. They have some fears that their conversations are overheard within their hotel vicinity. The fifth chapter reveals the unequal life that exists in the elite population. A clear rift is demonstrated. Those in that class did condemn the exposers of the matter greatly. In fact, they claim that a school dropout is not at the verge of production of such condemning messages to the government. Most significantly, he makes use of an â€Å"inexperienced journalist to pass the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Propaganda Poster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Propaganda Poster - Essay Example The poster â€Å"The Greatest Mother in the World†is aimed at raising funds. The central image depicted on the paper is a woman dressed in the gown of the Red Cross nurse. She points at people depicted in the right corner. There is also a significant object which is located beside the woman: the red cross. At the bottom of the poster there is a red line and inscription in big white letters â€Å"WAR FUND 1943†. At the top of the page there is the following inscription â€Å"The Greatest Mother in the World†. There are also smaller objects which, nevertheless, should be regarded as important details. For instance, there are several aircrafts above the people. It goes without saying that every detail, every object depicted and even the choice of color should be regarded as meaningful points since they help to convey certain idea or ideas. In the first place, it is necessary to point out that white and light blue colors prevail. These colors convey the idea of hope and good. People depicted at the bottom of the picture are rendered in dark colors. These are ordinary people who seek for help since they are in constant danger. The use of red color is used to achieve several goals. First, the Red Cross is a symbol of an institution which helps people in need. On the other hand, red color attracts people’s attention, and the most important information is depicted in the red line. People see that the poster â€Å"advertises†certain campaign held to raise funds for the Red Cross or, more generally, for those in need. As far as the central image is concerned it is necessary to note that the woman can be regarded as the personification of appeal and compassion. The woman’s facial expressions leaves no doubt that she needs help of each viewer. Interestingly, the woman is beautiful and she has make-up on her face. McEuen (2011) pays much attention to female appearance in the posters and claims that American posters revealed women who could not only take care about others but could be active enough to take care of themselves. The woman points out at the people who are waiting for help. Her posture is very informative as well, she is leaning and this also enhances the idea of appeal. People at the bottom of the poster are not depicted in detail. This is rather a crowd. They hardly have faces because the poster’s designer stresses that there are many people in need. This impersonal depiction of people enhances the idea of quality: there too many people, so only the entire nation can help all those who suffer from the war. As far as the Red Cross is concerned it is depicted to inform people of the way their help will reach those in need. Thus, those who donate can understand that they assist the Red Cross, internationally acknowledged institution. Admittedly, the designer of the poster uses all these visual tools to persuade people to donate in order to help unfortunate people. For instance, the woman dep icted is a kind of an angel who comes from heaven to help people, but still asks for help since there is too much evil. Another informative image does not attract so much of attention, but it creates the necessary atmosphere. Thus, the aircrafts depicted convey the idea of threat over people exposed to the horrors of war. It is necessary to point out that such symbolism is very appealing and the poster reaches its major aims. Sometimes propaganda posters
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Change Management and Management Styles Research Paper
Change Management and Management Styles - Research Paper Example Managers, in these cases, adopt strategic changes in order to adapt to emergent set of management and operational issues (Stam and Andriessen, 2009, p. 136). Secondly, there is cultural change. It is the next logical step once a strategic change is adopted or when management decides to change the organizational goals and objectives. The rationale is that in order to achieve effective change in that direction, a gradual change in mentalities must be achieved as well (Hamalainen and Saarinen, 2004, p.143). This is crucial in changing the organizational behavior. A more specific change transpiring within organization would have to be the shortened organizational life cycle. Essentially, this is the life stages of an organization beginning with its birth, growth, maturity and its inevitable decline and potential revival (Nelson et al., p.258). These stages experience radical shifts today because of the advances in technology, project management and product design. For example, new comput ing solutions streamlines product development, radically shortening the operational process of the organizational subunit tasked with such responsibility. ... Change management theories provide effective frameworks in better understanding organizational change. For example Beer and Nohria (2000) posited two change management theories, which they merely labeled as Theory E and Theory 0. The first theory sees organizational change as critical in the way organizational economic value is changed. Initiatives, policies and strategies adopted to implement this model follow the so-called â€Å"hard†approach to change, emphasizing shareholder value and maintaining it as the only barometer of organizational success (p.134). On the other hand, Theory 0 approaches organizational change according to organizational capacity. Beer and Nohria calls this the â€Å"soft†approach to change in an effort to introduce organizational change through initiatives and policies that builds organizational culture on individual capability and learning. This is supposedly the strategy that Hewlett-Packard adopted amidst a flagging performance during the 1980s and involved â€Å"the process of changing, obtaining feedback, reflecting, and making further changes†(p.134). Finally, one could cite the Change Management Theory for a general framework explaining organizational change. Several authors have contributed to this theory such as Lakomski (2001) and Lewin (1951). Lakomski posited that organizations are in constant need to balance forces of change with the requirement for stability. Lewin explained that this constitutes a stalemate that is only broken once the force for change outweighs the resistance, paving the way for a change in the organizational equilibrium. The case of Lenovo is an excellent example of an organization grappling with change. In the process of addressing new change
Monday, September 23, 2019
Free Trade Among Developed Economies Research Paper
Free Trade Among Developed Economies - Research Paper Example The question then remains, should these be pursued by more economically developed nations? An example of this would be the North American Free Trade Agreement otherwise known as NAFTA which included Mexico, Canada and the United States in a limited free trade agreement. Unfortunately, this agreement has seen tariff wars occur, in some circumstances causing large deficits. According to one working paper from the California Western School of Law, published 2005. â€Å"In response to U.S. restrictions on Mexican sugar, President Vicente Fox placed a 20% tax on all soft-drinks not sweetened with Mexican sugar. The â€Å"sugar tax†followed shortly after the DSB’s determination in the HFCS case, in which the Body held that Mexico failed to prove HFCS imports were threatening the Mexican sugar industry so as to warrant the imposition of antidumping duties. As a result of the sugar tax, the United States filed another complaint with the DSB†(Vacek-Aranda, 2005). With t he increased taxation and import tariffs being bandied at this time it would seem to nullify the idea of free trade. However, once these disagreements are worked out there is a substantial benefit to be had for the economies of all involved nations. To understand better why free trade is a necessary aspect of international trade among developed nations we should review what a developed nation is. A developed nation is simply a more economically developed country. This term is obviously ambiguous, however, can apply readily to those nations classified as first world nations. Some of those more economically developed countries or MEDC, would be Great Britain, Germany, Brazil, United States, Spain, Denmark and similar. According to a policy brief from International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis dated 2008, â€Å"The scenarios show that investment in education pays off in terms of higher long-term economic growth†("Economic growth in developing countries: Education prov es key," 2008). This means only that nations with a more solid educational system and opportunities are more likely to be higher developed economic powers. Some arguments against the implementation of free trade agreements do so based on the non-members losses or reductions in ability to trade. However, the argument must be made that the implementation of a free trade agreement is a positive benefit in most cases. Arvind Panagariya outlines; â€Å"clearly, the initial equilibrium matters since that is crucial to the determination of the absolute level of consumers’ surplus relative to producers’ surplus†(Panagariya & Duttagupta, 2000). Simply put the importance of an equal footing is initially necessary when looking at setting up a free trade agreement. The effects on surrounding nations that are not at the same stage of economic development are important to note as well. Primarily the argument can be made that pollution in underdeveloped nations will li kely increase. An article in American Economic Review dated 1998 says, â€Å"Under the pollution haven hypothesis, poor countries get dirtier with trade, whereas rich countries get cleaner†(Antweiler, Copeland, & Taylor, Sept, 1998). While this can be a detriment globally over time it should be noted that once a
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Micro and Macro Management Essay Example for Free
Micro and Macro Management Essay Macro Management In a simple definition management is the person or persons who control or direct a business or other enterprise. However, management is much larger than just one person or small group of people. Management is also the practice of handling, supervision, direction, and control (www. dictionary. com). It is much larger than one person, or even a small group of people; management is everywhere. We use management in all aspects of our daily lives, whether it is organizing an event, or handling a purchase order. Management must be arranged through multiple levels in order to be successful, beginning with micro management, eventually its way up the ladder to macro management. Micro and macro components are the core make up of every business, each possessing different qualities and characteristics that form the overall building blocks to success. During the training of a new employee, most businesses use the micro-management process to provide the guidance and tools the employee needs to become successful with that business. Micro management is used my supervisors to observe and control the work of their employees. It involves giving employee smaller tasks, while they monitor and assess the work being done (www. dictionary. com). Micro management is often used in the beginning of any business or establishment; basically, you need to start somewhere. In the opening of a new business, guidance will always need to be offered from cooperate offices to ensure a clean transition in the opening process. Once a business is established, management will in turn micro manage their employees; guiding them through the procedures and responsibilities the company requires. Because micro managing involves supervisors overlooking the tasks their employees are undertaking, often times it is thought of as an unenthusiastic tactic. Through the eyes of an associate, micro managing can be de motivating, in turn creating doubt and lack of confidence in the workplace. Even though micro managing is used as an introductory tool, it can be drawn out for a longer duration of time. Distrust, skepticism, and uncertainty are typical feelings an employee may experience if their supervisor is abusing the method of micro managing. The role of manager is an important position of supervision in any organization. The supervisor/manager plays a key function, in the day to day needs of the organization, by finding a balance of work efficiency and managing personnel. This balance becomes even more prevalent when assigning projects or interacting with subordinates. This paper will analyze several aspects or pitfalls, managers could find themselves involved in; and will identify methods used to overcome these situations when supervising subordinates. The position of manager holds many responsibilities in an organization; those responsibilities range from dealing with requests from upper management and servicing employee’s needs, and while seeing to theses responsibilities, the manager still has to supervise the overall direction of his or her department. The multiple tasks a manager must operate within, requires the manager to be flexible and
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Importance Of Agriculture In Developing Countries Economics Essay
The Importance Of Agriculture In Developing Countries Economics Essay Agriculture always plays an essential role in the economy of every country. Not only because of it tends to provide foods for the entire population of a country but agriculture helps to connects and interacts with all the related industries of that country. A country is usually believed to be a social, political and economically stable nation if the agricultural sector is very stable. However, people in developing countries who are depend on agriculture for their living are always much poorer than those who work in other sectors of the economy. And generally those who involve in agriculture sector are always represents a significant share of the total number of poor people in the countries where they live. Hence, there is a need to improve agriculture industry. It is important to improve agriculture sector because it create job opportunities for its citizens. Agriculture is known as the backbone of the developing countries. It accounts for between 30 to 60 percent of the total GDP and employs about 70 percent of the total workers. Apparently, this are a huge amount of peoples involves in agriculture industry if compared to any other sectors in developing countries. In other words, agricultural sector is the major source of employment in most of the developing countries. This is because the owner of the farm usually found that it is necessary to hire additional hands for the purpose to cultivate the lands successfully and to look after the livestock. However, the increase of job opportunities is not only on farms but also in processing, advertising and packaging the agriculture product. Thus, if the agriculture sector is improving, it will definitely benefit the developing countries by decreasing its unemployment rate. Not only that, agriculture sector helps to fully utilize the unused land in developing countries. The expansion of agriculture output caused abundant supply of unused land to be brought under cultivation. However, in most of the African countries such as Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, there are only 12 percent of arable land is actually been cultivated. The African Union (AU) has appealed to the governments to allocate 10 percent of their total spending to agriculture, but unfortunately only four or five countries have successfully reach that target. Obviously, developing countries do not have enough money to develop the unused land. It is a waste for just leave a huge area of arable land empty without any plantation. Thus, the offer by foreign investors to develop agricultural land is very attractive to developing countries. Based on the standard of the one-dollar-a-day threshold, there are 1.2 billion poor people in developing countries. And among these peoples, there are 780 million of them facing chronic hunger, which means that their daily intake of calories is not enough for them to live healthy and productive lives. Besides, there are millions more suffer from specific nutritional insufficiency of one form or another. Most of the worlds hungry live in countries which are categorized as low-income and food-deficit nation. They are located mainly in the developing world and more than half of them are in Africa. These countries do not produce enough food to meet the demand of the citizens and they may not have enough foreign exchange to replace the shortfall by purchasing foods on the international market. This kind of situation getting serious especially when they are facing with loss of crops and livestock that caused by natural disaster or extremely high food prices on the international market. In order to feed people better, agriculture must strengthen its conservation goals by adding assortment to the food chain and by restoring the ecosystems. Agriculture sector can reduce hunger as it ensures the food security of developing countries. The drive toward food security has seems to be slowed in recent years. The growth rate of agricultural production is declining, the world grain reserves have shrink to record lows, the commitments of aid to agricultural development have decreased as well and thus it boosting the demand for imported grain. This obviously opposed to the current situation of developing countries because their population is expanding. Food production is directly related to the daily life of human being. Food security is an immediate and future main concern for all developing countries. A stable agricultural industry plays an important role to ensure the food security of a country. Food security is considered as one of the basic requirements of any nation. None of the nation that consists of huge amount of hungry people can grow efficiently with a stable agricultural base because hungry people can do nothing towa rds helping to develop their country. Food security prevents starvation which often been considered as one of the serious problems that being faced by the small developing countries. Furthermore, agriculture also ensures economic growth of developing countries. Agriculture is a fundamental source of income for developing nation that exists on this globe. Not only because of it provides food for our daily life, but mostly all the industries in the country depend on agriculture both directly and indirectly. The high rates of economic growth are basically linked with the rapid expansion of agricultural output. In fact, the economy of several West African countries is primarily maintained by agriculture sector. Most of them depend on agriculture for their export trade to boost the incomes of the country. Agricultural products are their main foreign exchange earner which contributes about 75 percent of their total export commodities. The exports of agriculture products create additional economic activity that ripples through the domestic economy. Besides, agriculture contributes between 40 to 60 percent of the total GDP of most of the African countries. In conclusion, it is crucial to develop the agriculture sector not only in the developing countries but every country in the globe. A very low GDP and widespread chronic under nutrition are generally because of the underdeveloped of agriculture sector. Citizens cannot get enough their basic needs for their daily life. Therefore, economic progress in the agricultural industry is very important to boosting the incomes and increasing food supplies of the poor. Agricultural sector can only be further develop if and only if everyone in the society willing to take the responsibility to sustain a society that have sufficient food supply for our future generation. This is an issue that related to the whole society and efficient action must to be taken from now on.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Plastic Arts Education in Ecuador
Plastic Arts Education in Ecuador The plastics arts is essential tool to stimulate the creative ability and aesthetic sensibility in Ecuadorian preschool students In Ecuador, the implementation of plastic arts in the different schools is very important because its essential tool to stimulate the creative ability and aesthetic sensibility of the students. Plastic arts techniques, influence in the development of the childs fine motor skills as they are part of his daily life. The childs brain have a capacity of imagine and create anything to this age. The best method to that a child learned is the observation, perception, and representation of analysis. This fosters the development of talents and creativity that are necessary incentives for the child learning. The teaching methods help to acquire new information that the brain could use in the future to construct ideas, answers, or give solutions. Plastic arts in the initial education are a priority need for the child, because during the plastic workshops they have the opportunity to creative and act. Its considered to be dynamic process because the path it traverses is not linear. The education al system at this age should function as a transmitter, sifter and maintainer of cultural goods, creating interrelations with art. Plastic arts are a motivating tool that helps in the different areas of cognitive and preferential development. Integral development, motivating skills, capacities, and improving observation analysis are some of the benefits of plastic art. Plastic art techniques, if performed daily, influence in the development of the childs fine motor skills as they are part of their daily life, and failing to use them in an appropriate and timely manner will deploy a series of weaknesses and shortcomings in the development of skills engines that should strengthen at this age. The expression of human emotions and situations through the use of material elements aid creativity in children as well. Furthermore, this contributes in a really significant way in the intellectual and emotional formation of the people in general. Due to the fact that Ecuadorian schools have a deficit in creativity, plastic arts is essential tool that will stimulate the creative ability and aesthetic sensibility in Ecuadoria n preschool students. Art is a gift the human beings have at birth and this provides the opportunity to increase the capacity for action and experimentation to face a society full of changes. Art is a social product par excellence, where the influence of concrete reality predominates (Hinostroza, 2000, p.12). Because art is expressed and communicated values, customs, ideals and aspirations that mark the social development of a people and enrich the artistic expression to the people in the world. Art is the expression and manifestation of human feeling, through the line, color, movement, rhythm and melody according to the objective reality where it develops (Aquiles, 2000, p.10). Then, it will be understood that manifestation of human activity that is expressed in a way subjective, unique and irreproducible way to realize an artistic creation, be it real or imaginary communicating feelings and sensations that is the result of its intelligence and creativity. Art creates a domain in the symbolic life of the child, which encourages them to experiment with ideas and feelings while providing pleasure, which is a central goal in the development of emotional-affective life (Setchovich, 1999, p.18). First, the method of teaching in pre-school schools in Ecuador is quite standardized and systematic. For a better development of its initial education, Ecuador has agreed to the update curriculum, based on games and arts as methodological lines to organize, promote, and run experiences, starting the recognition that they are actors in their own learning. (Arias, 2013). With this in mind, implementing an innovative change in the schools would raise methods of observation, perception, and representation of analysis. This fosters learning and the development of talents and creativity that are necessary incentives for the childs interest in learning to act as motor. The curiosity of a child is enormous. Accordingly, when a child is curious, he or she observes and analyzes the different things that are around them. In fact, to promote learning, talent development and creativity is a key part of the teaching in the preschool. Indeed, the school should be a privileged place of learning and personal growth for a child. Education is a social process that enables the development of each persons potential. This process occurs in life and for life, in interaction with the environment, where the child develops his aptitudes, values and feelings (Fundacià ³n, 2013). Plastic arts should be considered as important methodological strategies in the process of strengthening the fine motor, because they offer plastic materials that can be manipulated freely and spontaneously with their hands promoting the joy of create and develop the imagination through its free expression. In plastic arts the children play with the material, the colors, the space, the images and the textures. Then they will begin to realize them expressing consciously what they feel, think and see. As a result the teaching methods help to acquire new information that the brain could use in the future to construct ideas, answers, or give solutions. Also, teachers will also expand their knowledge and establish strategies in a relevant way for this area and will be able to meet the needs of infants in a harmonious inter-learning relationship, strengthening the initial education pedagogical model which in turn will help the acquisition of knowledge, skills and values in children. Plasti c arts in the initial education are a priority for the child, because during the plastic workshops not only is a reality is perceived, but also they have the opportunity to create and act. Second, the stimulation of the creative ability in the children ages 3 to 4 years old is very important. The complex activities in this age, prevent the maturation of the fine motor, that if they are not corrected to time could generate difficulties in the initiation of the writing as it is: driving description, loose graphics, impulsiveness or clumsy writing giving rise to being hypertonic or hypotonic as their muscles have not reached maturity and still have no physical or emotional stability (Arias, 2013). Due to the fact that the childrens brain have a capacity of imagine and create anything to this age. When they do different activities like reading a history book the brain is obliged to imagine the things that they read. Besides, this the children make a drawing when their brains have a connection with the imagination. The plastic arts are important because it are not simple activities of reproduction of stereotypes, colored drawing, and, decoration or filling of figures that o nly thicken the work folder. But rather, plastic arts are transforming processes of the educational task that aim at a cognitive, socio-affective and motor development of the boy and the girl, forming it integrally. In fact, the emotions of children are important to creativity. Even through their emotions they can recreate the different scenes that involve being happy, sad, angry, etc. With this in mind, imagination can solve problems and help them practice self-discipline and develop both affection and compassion. Therefore the most important in a child is to create imaginary situations where they can act freely and they can solve problems. In addition, it is considered a dynamic process because the path it traverses is not linear. Thus, the educational system at this age should function as a transmitter, sifter and maintainer of cultural goods, creating interrelations with art to offer meaningful learning experiences to the child. Finally, improving aesthetic sensibility in initial education through the ability to understand the beauty of life and in art provides a comprehensive approach to childrens harmonic development. The initial education in arts where there is intensive accumulation of physical, mental, and spiritual faculties of children of 3-4 years accustomed causes good cognitive development. Nowadays, the formation of intellectual personality in preschool children is as important as the development artistic skills. In fact, it appears that the attitude for the composition of poems, stories, songs, becoming more promising. Thus, the aesthetic interests of the child in the expression of the universality of an aesthetic activity that is associated with art should be relaxed, cheerful, creative imagination, and initiative. But, the problem nowadays is that teachers do not use adequate methodological strategies to develop fine motor skills in the age of 3 to 4 years, because they work without grea ter organization and consideration of the needs and rhythm of development of children. (Arias, 2013). In conclusion, the initial education in arts where there is intensive accumulation of physical, mental, and spiritual faculties of children of 3-4 years accustomed causes good cognitive development. All students can improve if establishing techniques of the plastics arts teachers in initial education. The implementation of these arts in the Ecuadorian preschool will help with the development of creativity and innovation. Also, teachers will benefit by integrating their knowledge, as children today require an education with quality and warmth, where they offer meaningful experiences that allow their comprehensive training. Plastic arts contribute with agile and dynamic processes for the development of fine motor skills as they allow the application of different plastic techniques in a creative way that promotes segmental independence. Creating experiences of learning enriching for the integral formation of infant, which teachers do not give due importance within the learning process. Therefore, teachers are encouraged to incorporate into the educational process a methodological guide on plastic techniques to apply and improve the development of fine motor skills in children aged 3 to 4 years. References Aquiles, E. (2000). Art and creativity in the Education. Arias, R. (2013). Plastic Arts for the development to children. Quito. E. (2012). The Finland Phenomenon The System Educative Finland. Retrieved July 20, 2016, from Fundacià ³n. (2013). Retrieved from Hinostroza, E. (2000). Art and Creativity. Ossola, A. (2014, November 12). Scientists are more creative than you might imagine. Retrieved July 28, 2016, from Riquelme, A. (1986). Artes Plasticas. Universitaria. Setchovich, G. (1999). Plastic Expresion and Creativity. Mexico.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
After four years, we are finally gathered on the steps of what we thought we'd never come to. We are graduating, finally shedding the familiar and embarking on a world of "what's-next?" Despite that, though, today is perhaps most importantly a day to remember our past. In the entire childhood of memories that each of us has accumulated, beginning roughly when we were still young enough to believe braces are cool, some of the most vivid and influential are from this campus. The high school years are mainly those in which a person leaves off building their lives around what they have been shown, and begins to select the path they will take for themselves. It is fair to say that these last four years have seen immense changes in each and every one of us. And today is also a day to...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Child Abuse in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain :: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Child Abuse is something that children all around the world have to deal with every day. Child abuse can cause physical and mental affects on a child. It occurs very frequently and can happen for many different reasons. There is a law now stating that reporting child abuse is mandatory and you should report it immediately. There are thousands of child abuse victims every year. The abuse usually can leave permanent damage on the rest of the child's life. Child abuse is a very serious crime, and affects children everyday with positive and negative affects. Child abuse is a serious crime, that if violated can come with many consequences, and rules. Reporting child abuse is a mandatory law enacted in 1978 (but amended many times) stating that people must report child abuse immediately1. This law was created to identify children that are victims of child abuse. Relating to the law the Department of Human Services has responsibility to access and investigate suspected child abuse. "Each year Department of Human Services investigators conduct 20,000 investigations involving 30,000 children (in the state of California).2" There are a lot of cases reported each year, involving innocent children, abused by their parents. Although there are thousands of cases reported each year, thousands go unreported. "Child abuse has serious consequences which may remain as indelible pain throughout the victims lifetime3" Child abuse can have permanent negative affects on the child, permanent affects that the child will never forget. The abuse can also bring a better side to the child, making the child wanting to be more independent. Child abuse is very common, and can affect any child of any race, color or religion. Child abuse is caused by a parent, for many reasons, and can lead to many kinds of problems for the child. Parents impose child abuse for many reasons such as psychological problems to low self esteem to alcohol or drug abuse.4 Child abuse happens for many different reasons but all the reasons are still child abuse, and are taken seriously. Child abuse can also occur when parents have too high of expectation of their kids which then leads to abuse. "Abusive parents may show disregard for the child's own needs, limited abilities, and feelings."5 Disregarding children's needs can include a neglect ion. Children need parental advice and for parents to fulfill all their needs.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Assessment of Problem of Tax Administration in Nigeria Economy (a Case Sturdy of Federal Inland Revenue)
TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – i Declaration – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ii Dedication – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – iii Acknowledgement – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – iv Abstract – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – v Table of content – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – vi CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Background of the study 1. 2 Statement of the problem 1. 3 Objective of the study 1. 4 Research question and hypothesis 1. 5 Scope of the study 1. 6 Significance of the study 1. 7 Definition of terms 1. 8 Plan of the studyCHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2. 1 Introduction 2. 2 Review of the Nigerian capital market 2. 3 Bond financing Prospect, Benefit, And Associated Risk 2. 4 The impediment and problem of Bond development in Nigeria 2. 5 Recent developments in the Nigerian Bond market 2. 6 Theoretical framework 2. 7 summary of the chapter CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3. 1 Introduction 3. 2 Research Design 3. 3 Sources and Methods of Data Collection 3. 4 Methods of Data Analysis 3. 5 Justification For the Method Used 3. 6 Summary of the Chapter CHAPTER FOUR: DATA PRSENTATION AND ANALYSIS 4. 1 Introduction 4. 2 Data presentation And Analysis 4. Hypothesis And model testing 4. 4 Discussion on Research Findings 4. 5 Summary Of Findings CHAPTER FIVE: SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5. 1 Summary 5. 2 Conclusion 5. 3 Limitation Of The Study 5. 4 Recommendation 5. 5 References CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1. 1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: The importance and centrality of the financial system to the growth of any economy is obvious and indisputable. It has been postulated that a well developed financial system performs several critical functions that enhanced the efficiency of their financial intermediation roles with highly reduced costs of information, transaction and monitoring.Also, it promotes investment by identifying and locating viable business opportunities; helps in mobilizing savings; monitors the performance of managers thereby enabling trading, hedging and diversification of ri sk in order to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. These functions result in efficient allocation of resources and rapid accumulation of physical and human capital with faster technological process which in turn feed economic growth. The financial market is a sub-set of the financial system where funds from surplus economic units are pooled and made available to deficit units at a cost. The financial market consists of the money and the capital markets.The money market is the market for short term funds with a maturity period of not more than a year. The Capital Market consists of institutions and procedures that provide for transactions in long term financial instruments with a maturity of more than one year. The major instruments that are used in raising funds in the Nigeria Capital Market include Debts – Government bonds (Federal, State and Local Governments), Industrial loan stocks or Debentures, Preference Stocks, and Equities – ordinary shares. Instrum ents classified as Debt securities are generally referred to as bonds because of their fixed income characteristics except for preference stock which is a hybrid instrument.Therefore investors in bonds are essentially lending money to the issuer. Some of the common bond issuers are governments (Federal, State and Local Government), government agencies and corporate institutions. There are different types of bonds with its unique features relating to the way it pays interest, the market in which the bond is issued, the currency it is payable in, protective features and the legal framework under which it operates. The bond market is the channel through which government and corporations that need to borrow money are matched with investors who have funds to lend. There are really two markets for bonds – THE PRIMARY AND THE SECONDARY MARKET.The underdeveloped nature of the Nigerian Bond market is reflected through the depth of the market, lack of investors’ confidence, infl ationary pressure coupled with continuous depreciation of the Naira, absence of major international rating organization, absence of secondary trading market, macro-economic instability and closed nature of the market to external actors. All these indices indicate the faulty fundamentals of the market and hence its inability to contribute significantly to the growth and development of the Nigerian economy as it obtains in other developed countries of the world like Europe and United States of America. The effect of reviving theNigerian Bond market on the Nigerian economy cannot be overemphasized as it will enhance the achievement of a transformed economy through provision of long term funding to government and corporate borrowers, foreign investment, participation in the global bond market and international capital flow. However, how fast the Nigeria government and financial authorities move to combat the faulty fundamentals of the market will determine its efficiency and effectivene ss as a major provider of the long term finance needed for Nigeria’s economic growth. In Nigeria, one major defect for the slow pace of development of the real sector which is necessary to bring about a sustained economic growth and development is inadequate finance.It is therefore pertinent to examine theoretically and comparatively the roles the Nigerian Bond market can play in the growth of the Nigerian economy with a view of assessing the effect of bond market development in an imperative way to achieve a transformed economy. 1. 2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The major problem that brought about slow movement of developing the real sector of Nigeria which is necessary to bring about a sustained economic growth and development is inadequate finance. This can be traced largely to the underdeveloped state of the Debt segment of the Nigerian Capital Market which is supposed to serve as the vehicle for the mobilization and provision of long-term funds needed by both government and corporate organizations to embark on developmental projects needed for economic growth and development.The underdeveloped state of the bond segment of the Nigeria capital market has in time past led to distortions in the economy as most corporate organizations sourced their long term funds from commercial banks. This in effect is a financial mismatch funding strategy where long term projects are funded with short term finance. The commercial banks are set-up to provide only short term funding due to the nature of their sources of funds; whereas the kind of finance needed for sustainable development are long term funds. Also, because there is no developed outlet for the sourcing of long term funds by corporate organizations, there is overdependence on government to dictate and direct the pace of economic development.Thus, business activities are predicated on public expenditure projections and when these projections and budgets are delayed or not forthcoming, economic activities in the whole economy is directly adversely affected. 1. 3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The major objective of this study is to assess the effective development of the Nigerian bond market and it essential effect on the growth of the economy is however the task of this study. Other objective is to, (i) Find out whether there exist an optimal economy whereas bond market can be developed. 1. 4 RESEARCH QUESTION AND HYPOTHESIS In line with the research problem, some specific questions must receive answers in the course of the study.These questions are as follow: (i) How does development of Nigerian bond market affect economic growth? (ii) Does inadequate finance result from underdevelopment state of debt segment in the Nigerian capital market? 1. 4. 1 HYPOTHESIS Ho: There is no significant relationship between effective development of the Nigerian Bond market and economic growth. H1: There is a significant relationship between effective development of the Nigerian Bond market and economic growth . 1. 5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This research is carried out mainly on Nigerian capital market to assess the development on fund to the Nigerian economy it covers data sourced from Nigerian stock exchange, Annual report, Security and exchange commission and National News paper.It covers the period of eight years (2000- 2008) 1. 6 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The important of this study cannot be overemphasized owing to the value of a research on this nature. To the end, this research is carried out to bring to the attention of financial managers of the firms especially financial institutions, relevant information regarding to Bond market and economy development in order to assist in making financial decision. 1. 7 DEFINITION OF TERMS (i) Bond: A bond is simply a certificate of indebtedness issued by a borrower to a lender. (ii) Capital Market: This is the market for intermediate and long term securities that have more than one year of maturity say three years. iii) Debt: This is referred to as an obligation owed by one party (the debtor) to a second party the creditor. (iv) Debenture: This is referred to as type of bond that is not secured by physical asset or collateral, it is credit worthiness and reputation of the issuer. (v) Equity: this referred to as the residual claim or interest of the junior class of investors in asset after all liabilities have been paid. (vi) Financial Market: The financial market is a sub-set of the financial system where funds from surplus economic units are pooled and made available to deficit units at a cost. (vii) Money Market: This market is the market for short term funds with a maturity period of not more than a year. (viii) Preference Stock: ix) Primary Market: This is referred to as the market where securities are newly issued. (x) Secondary Market: This is referred to as the market where existing securities are traded. 1. 9 PLAN OF THE STUDY This research project is divided into five (5) chapters for better and easy understanding, chapter two (2) is the review of related literatures; the literature is reviewed with a view to lay a foundation for the building of new research that we are currently undergoing. It gives directions and light to research work. Chapter three (3) tell us about the method(s) of research used in this project. It shows the research design, source of data, method of data collection, and techniques of data analysis among others.Chapter four (4) is mainly the presentation of data and the analysis. Here our research hypothesis will be tested in order to enable us draw a conclusion on the topic under consideration. The final chapter which is chapter five (5) will highlight on the conclusion, summary and recommendation. CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2. 1 Introduction A bond is a debt security in which the issuer owes the holder a debt and is obliged to repay the principal and interest (coupon) at a later date, termed maturity. Other stipulations may also be attached to the bond issued, such as the obligation of the issuer to provide certain information to the bondholder or limitations on the behaviour of the issuer.Bonds are generally issued for a fixed term (the maturity) longer than one year (Olashore, 2006). Umoren (2000) also defines a bond as basically IOU’S of longer duration than the average money market instrument present in a given market. According to Fahm (2006), a bond is a long term debt instrument issued by an entity, company or government as evidence of a promise to pay. The claim protects the holder in circumstances in which the issuer is unable to pay the amount due. According to Oni (2006. ), the entity borrowing money by the way of a bond is called the issuer and the person investing is the buyer. The issuer of a bond promises to pay the buyer’s interest which is called a coupon for the privilege of using the buyer’s money.The issuer also promises to return the money which is the principal to the buyer on a specified date called the maturity date. The coupon which is a predetermined interest account is paid to the buyer at periodic intervals throughout the life of the bond. It is the nature of known periodic interest amount (coupon) and known principal amount that gave rise to the nomenclature â€Å"fixed income securities†given to bonds. Corporate bonds are often called debentures, but the term debenture is usually used to refer to borrowings without specified collateral. Such borrowings are based on the general credit standing of the borrower. In Nigeria, however, some debentures are said to be mortgage debentures.In such cases, the security provided goes beyond the credit worthiness of the borrowers to include a mortgage of some specific assets and also all future assets (Odife, 1999). 2. 2 Review of the Nigerian capital market 2. 3 Bond financing: Prospect, Benefit, And Associated Risk 2. 4 The impediment and problem of Bond development in Nigeria 2. 5 Recent developments in the Nigerian Bond m arket 2. 6 Theoretical framework 2. 7 summary of the chapter CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3. 1 Introduction 3. 2 Research Design 3. 3 Sources and Methods of Data Collection 3. 4 Method of Data Analysis 3. 5 Justification for the Method Used 3. 6 Summary of the Chapter
Monday, September 16, 2019
Hospital Management System
KOFORIDUA POLYTECHNIC PATIENT MONITORING SYSTEM (A CASE STUDY AT POLYTECHNIC CLINIC, KOFORIDUA) FOR HND COMPUTER NETWORK MANAGEMENT STUDENT’S NAME: WESONO FELIX 04/2010/582D DITSA, JONAS CUDJOE 04/2010/561D DATE: 6TH MARCH, 2013 COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT AWARD †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. TENTATIVE TITLE (OR FINAL TITLE): †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ APPROVED BY HEAD OF DEPARTMENT COMPUTER SCIENCE Signature Date: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. APPROVED BY DEAN, SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Signature Date: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Chapter 1 1. 1. INTRODUCTION TO PROJECTHospital administrators are often overwhelmed with information about a bulky number of patients and their stays to the hospital that need to be organized and kept up-to-date. The patient management system is a web based application that is designed and developed for hospital administrators and doctors to organize information on patient visits. The system intends to facilitate several steps in the process from the patient registration and to the patient evaluation. During this process, there will be many tasks that have to be handled by this system including maintaining complete information.The main objective of the system is to provide the administration staff and doctors with an easily maintainable information system for patient registration, visit scheduling and patient tracking with latest information. 1. 2. OBJECTIVES The main objectives for establishing this project is to solve the problem notified in the research. The objectives are outlined as follows: I. To improve patient’s registration II. To increase level of patient management III. To improve on patient records keeping IV. To assign doctors to patients V. Doctor Management VI. Bed/Room ManagementVII. Doctors can update the patient’s record with their observations 1. 3. PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT In a given day, number of patients visits a hospital or a clinic. Many hospitals in Ghana still manage the patient data manually. Hospitals will be able to save money and time if they have a good software program for managing patient’s data. The idea is to develop web based patient management software that can be used to keep track of the patients registering in a hospital or clinic. Doctors and the rooms available in a hospital can be managed using this system.Also, this system should support accessing the previous visit histories of any patient, search for patients by name etc. A few points to be noted about the system we are developing here * A patient can be categorized as â€Å" In patient†or â€Å"Out Patient†. If patient type is â€Å"In Patient†, a bed will be assigned to the patient. * A doctor will be assigned to each patient before the patient meets the doctor. Only one doctor can be assigned to a patient at a given time. * A patient can visit the hospital any number of times The project has been planned to be having the view of distributed architecture, with centralized storage of the database.The application for the storage of the data has been planned. Using the constructs of MS-SQL Server and all the user interfaces have been designed using the ASP. Net technologies. The database connectivity is planned using the â€Å"SQL Connection†methodology. The st andards of security and data protective mechanism have been given a big choice for proper usage. The application takes care of different modules and their associated reports, which are produced as per the applicable strategies and standards that are put forwarded by the administrative staff.The entire project has been developed keeping in view of the distributed client server computing technology, in mind. The specification has been normalized up to 3NF to eliminate all the anomalies that may arise due to the database transaction that are executed by the general users and the organizational administration. The user interfaces are browser specific to give distributed accessibility for the overall system. The internal database has been selected as MS-SQL server 200. The basic constructs of table spaces, clusters and indexes have been exploited to provide higher consistency and reliability for the data storage.The MS-SQL server 200 was a choice as it provides the constructs of high-lev el reliability and security. The total front end was dominated using the ASP. Net technologies. At all proper levels high care was taken to check that the system manages the data consistency with proper business rules or validations. The database connectivity was planned using the latest â€Å"SQL Connection†technology provided by Microsoft Corporation. The authentication and authorization was crosschecked at all the relevant stages. The user level accessibility has been restricted into two zones namely. . 4. PROBLEM IN EXISTING SYSTEM * Cannot Upload and Download the latest updates. * No use of Web Services and Remoting. * Risk of mismanagement of data when the project is under development. * Less Security. * No proper coordination between different Applications and Users. * Fewer Users – Friendly. 1. 5. SOLUTION OF THESE PROBLEMS The development of the new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in view of the datab ase integration approach. 1. User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls. 2.The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible. 3. Readily upload the latest updates, allows user to download the alerts by clicking the URL. 4. There is no risk of data mismanagement at any level while the project development is under process. 5. It provides high level of security with different level of authentication. 1. 6. REVIEW OF LITERATURE This chapter is on the related literature of the study and tries to place the study into its theoretical framework. It explores fields of related theories of the study which will serve as the basis for monitoring patients and their records.There is a lot of similar software in the market, example hospital management system which also function the same but it is very complex to use (non-user friendly) and requires a degree of training and expertise before one can use it. With the PATIENT MONITORING SYSTEM, everyth ing is flexible and more user friendly with a high level of security with different level of authentication. 1. 8. BUDGET The budget of the research study will be: ACTIVITY| DURATION| INPUTS/ITEMS REQUIRED| COSTGH| Research| One (1) week| A – 4 paper (3 Rims), laptop| 20. 0| Interviews| One (1)week| | 10. 00| Interface Designer| Five (5 )Days | A- 4 sheets| 10. 00| Data Analysis| One (1)week| | 15. 00| Coding| Two (2) weeks| | 10. 00| Printing & Photocopying| One (1) weeks| A- 4 sheets| 30. 00| Binding | Three (3)Days| | 15. 00| Preparation of final Study Report| Three (3) weeks| | 50. 00| | | SUB TOTAL| 160. 00| | | | | | | TOTAL| 170. 00| | | | | 1. 9. TIMELINE This project is going to be undertaken in two months two weeks to finish the project (PATIENT MONITORING SYSTEM). Hospital Management System KOFORIDUA POLYTECHNIC PATIENT MONITORING SYSTEM (A CASE STUDY AT POLYTECHNIC CLINIC, KOFORIDUA) FOR HND COMPUTER NETWORK MANAGEMENT STUDENT’S NAME: WESONO FELIX 04/2010/582D DITSA, JONAS CUDJOE 04/2010/561D DATE: 6TH MARCH, 2013 COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT AWARD †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. TENTATIVE TITLE (OR FINAL TITLE): †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ APPROVED BY HEAD OF DEPARTMENT COMPUTER SCIENCE Signature Date: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. APPROVED BY DEAN, SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Signature Date: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Chapter 1 1. 1. INTRODUCTION TO PROJECTHospital administrators are often overwhelmed with information about a bulky number of patients and their stays to the hospital that need to be organized and kept up-to-date. The patient management system is a web based application that is designed and developed for hospital administrators and doctors to organize information on patient visits. The system intends to facilitate several steps in the process from the patient registration and to the patient evaluation. During this process, there will be many tasks that have to be handled by this system including maintaining complete information.The main objective of the system is to provide the administration staff and doctors with an easily maintainable information system for patient registration, visit scheduling and patient tracking with latest information. 1. 2. OBJECTIVES The main objectives for establishing this project is to solve the problem notified in the research. The objectives are outlined as follows: I. To improve patient’s registration II. To increase level of patient management III. To improve on patient records keeping IV. To assign doctors to patients V. Doctor Management VI. Bed/Room ManagementVII. Doctors can update the patient’s record with their observations 1. 3. PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT In a given day, number of patients visits a hospital or a clinic. Many hospitals in Ghana still manage the patient data manually. Hospitals will be able to save money and time if they have a good software program for managing patient’s data. The idea is to develop web based patient management software that can be used to keep track of the patients registering in a hospital or clinic. Doctors and the rooms available in a hospital can be managed using this system.Also, this system should support accessing the previous visit histories of any patient, search for patients by name etc. A few points to be noted about the system we are developing here * A patient can be categorized as â€Å" In patient†or â€Å"Out Patient†. If patient type is â€Å"In Patient†, a bed will be assigned to the patient. * A doctor will be assigned to each patient before the patient meets the doctor. Only one doctor can be assigned to a patient at a given time. * A patient can visit the hospital any number of times The project has been planned to be having the view of distributed architecture, with centralized storage of the database.The application for the storage of the data has been planned. Using the constructs of MS-SQL Server and all the user interfaces have been designed using the ASP. Net technologies. The database connectivity is planned using the â€Å"SQL Connection†methodology. The st andards of security and data protective mechanism have been given a big choice for proper usage. The application takes care of different modules and their associated reports, which are produced as per the applicable strategies and standards that are put forwarded by the administrative staff.The entire project has been developed keeping in view of the distributed client server computing technology, in mind. The specification has been normalized up to 3NF to eliminate all the anomalies that may arise due to the database transaction that are executed by the general users and the organizational administration. The user interfaces are browser specific to give distributed accessibility for the overall system. The internal database has been selected as MS-SQL server 200. The basic constructs of table spaces, clusters and indexes have been exploited to provide higher consistency and reliability for the data storage.The MS-SQL server 200 was a choice as it provides the constructs of high-lev el reliability and security. The total front end was dominated using the ASP. Net technologies. At all proper levels high care was taken to check that the system manages the data consistency with proper business rules or validations. The database connectivity was planned using the latest â€Å"SQL Connection†technology provided by Microsoft Corporation. The authentication and authorization was crosschecked at all the relevant stages. The user level accessibility has been restricted into two zones namely. . 4. PROBLEM IN EXISTING SYSTEM * Cannot Upload and Download the latest updates. * No use of Web Services and Remoting. * Risk of mismanagement of data when the project is under development. * Less Security. * No proper coordination between different Applications and Users. * Fewer Users – Friendly. 1. 5. SOLUTION OF THESE PROBLEMS The development of the new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in view of the datab ase integration approach. 1. User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls. 2.The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible. 3. Readily upload the latest updates, allows user to download the alerts by clicking the URL. 4. There is no risk of data mismanagement at any level while the project development is under process. 5. It provides high level of security with different level of authentication. 1. 6. REVIEW OF LITERATURE This chapter is on the related literature of the study and tries to place the study into its theoretical framework. It explores fields of related theories of the study which will serve as the basis for monitoring patients and their records.There is a lot of similar software in the market, example hospital management system which also function the same but it is very complex to use (non-user friendly) and requires a degree of training and expertise before one can use it. With the PATIENT MONITORING SYSTEM, everyth ing is flexible and more user friendly with a high level of security with different level of authentication. 1. 8. BUDGET The budget of the research study will be: ACTIVITY| DURATION| INPUTS/ITEMS REQUIRED| COSTGH| Research| One (1) week| A – 4 paper (3 Rims), laptop| 20. 0| Interviews| One (1)week| | 10. 00| Interface Designer| Five (5 )Days | A- 4 sheets| 10. 00| Data Analysis| One (1)week| | 15. 00| Coding| Two (2) weeks| | 10. 00| Printing & Photocopying| One (1) weeks| A- 4 sheets| 30. 00| Binding | Three (3)Days| | 15. 00| Preparation of final Study Report| Three (3) weeks| | 50. 00| | | SUB TOTAL| 160. 00| | | | | | | TOTAL| 170. 00| | | | | 1. 9. TIMELINE This project is going to be undertaken in two months two weeks to finish the project (PATIENT MONITORING SYSTEM).
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Analysis on “Porphyria’s Lover†by Robert Browning Essay
In â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover†, Robert Browning dramatically builds intensity and exhibits the decline in the situation’s stability to express the impending doom of the characters’ love. The enigmatic tone suggests the fear in the lover’s heart would soon overcome him – the fear of the destiny of their forbidden love. Throughout the poem, Browning intensifies the situation indicated by each narrative shift. There are several instances of this which correspond to a new action or a fresh point of view. In line twenty-one, the transition from â€Å"me†to â€Å"she†occurs at the hyphen, indicating a new look on the situation. Before the hyphenated shift, the poem was a completely factual account of the actions taking place; it was storming, Porphyria came inside, she sat down next to her â€Å"lover†and then at the hyphen, the speaker begins analyzing the situation and interpreting her words. This creates suspense because it places the control of the poem into the hands of her lover. The second shift occurs between lines thirty-nine and forty-one. This is, perhaps, the most electrifying and suspenseful point in the poem. Preceding this narrative shift, a sense of discordance was barely present between the two characters. This is noticed when Porphyria attempts to speak to her lover and â€Å"no voice relpl[ies]†(line 15). At the shift, the plot climactically intensifies when he strangles her to death. This horrifying action goes further to prove the presence of fear in the heart of the speaker. He could see no other reasonable course of action to take that would resolve their love’s predicament but to end it – with as little residual pain as possible. Simultaneously, the poet uses normally innocent and customary descriptions in a way that highlight the degradation of the situation at hand. When Porphyria entered the cottage, she â€Å"withdrew [her] dripping cloak and shawl, / and laid her soiled gloves by†(lines 11-12). This relatively common act reveals something greater about the situation. When she came out of the dark stormy night and took off her cloak, she ultimately opens herself up completely to her lover, but the dirt on her gloves indicate something is wrong, something dark about their past. Even more, this act shows the confinement placed upon her from the outside world’s disappointment; however, with him, she feels comfortable and trusts him entirely. This is all foreshadowing to the horrific events yet to take place and how their â€Å"struggling passion†would soon be relieved. The devices reveal the backwards morals of the poem, the outcome of ill-destined love, and the fatal alteration of human behavior when tainted by passion and clouded with fear. The thrilling and constant addition of suspense along with the dissolving strength of the plot achieves the poet’s goal of creating a stunningly suspenseful rendition of a love story.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Importance of National Income
A variety of measures of national income and output are used in economics to estimate total economic activity in a country or region, including gross domestic product (GDP), gross national product (GNP), net national income (NNI), and adjusted national income (NNI* adjusted for natural resource depletion). All are specially concerned with counting the total amount of goods and services produced within some â€Å"boundary†.The boundary is usually defined by geography or citizenship, and may also restrict the goods and services that are counted. For instance, some measures count only goods and services that are exchanged for money, excluding bartered goods, while other measures may attempt to include bartered goods by imputing monetary values to them. National accounts Main article: National accounts Arriving at a figure for the total production of goods and services in a large region like a country entails a large amount of data-collection and calculation.Although some attempts were made to estimate national incomes as long ago as the 17th century,[2] the systematic keeping of national accounts, of which these figures are a part, only began in the 1930s, in the United States and some European countries. The impetus for that major statistical effort was the Great Depression and the rise of Keynesian economics, which prescribed a greater role for the government in managing an economy, and made it necessary for governments to obtain accurate information so that their interventions into the economy could proceed as well-informed as possible. [edit]Market value Main article: Market value In order to count a good or service, it is necessary to assign value to it. The value that the measures of national income and output assign to a good or service is its market value – the price it fetches when bought or sold. The actual usefulness of a product (its use-value) is not measured – assuming the use-value to be any different from its market value. Thre e strategies have been used to obtain the market values of all the goods and services produced: the product (or output) method, the expenditure method, nd the income method. The product method looks at the economy on an industry-by-industry basis. The total output of the economy is the sum of the outputs of every industry. However, since an output of one industry may be used by another industry and become part of the output of that second industry, to avoid counting the item twice we use not the value output by each industry, but the value-added; that is, the difference between the value of what it puts out and what it takes in. The total value produced by the economy is the sum of the values-added by every industry.The expenditure method is based on the idea that all products are bought by somebody or some organisation. Therefore we sum up the total amount of money people and organisations spend in buying things. This amount must equal the value of everything produced. Usually expe nditures by private individuals, expenditures by businesses, and expenditures by government are calculated separately and then summed to give the total expenditure. Also, a correction term must be introduced to account for imports and exports outside the boundary. The income method works by summing the incomes of all producers within the boundary.Since what they are paid is just the market value of their product, their total income must be the total value of the product. Wages, proprieter's incomes, and corporate profits are the major subdivisions of income. [edit]The output approach The output approach focuses on finding the total output of a nation by directly finding the total value of all goods and services a nation produces. Because of the complication of the multiple stages in the production of a good or service, only the final value of a good or service is included in the total output.This avoids an issue often called ‘double counting', wherein the total value of a good is included several times in national output, by counting it repeatedly in several stages of production. In the example of meat production, the value of the good from the farm may be $10, then $30 from the butchers, and then $60 from the supermarket. The value that should be included in final national output should be $60, not the sum of all those numbers, $90. The values added at each stage of production over the previous stage are respectively $10, $20, and $30.Their sum gives an alternative way of calculating the value of final output. Formulae: GDP(gross domestic product) at market price = value of output in an economy in the particular year – intermediate consumption NNP at factor cost = GDP at market price – depreciation + NFIA (net factor income from abroad) – net indirect taxes[3] [edit]The income approach The income approach equates the total output of a nation to the total factor income received by residents or citizens of the nation.The main types of factor income are: Employee compensation (cost of fringe benefits, including unemployment, health, and retirement benefits); Interest received net of interest paid; Rental income (mainly for the use of real estate) net of expenses of landlords; Royalties paid for the use of intellectual property and extractable natural resources. All remaining value added generated by firms is called the residual or profit. If a firm has stockholders, they own the residual, some of which they receive as dividends. Profit includes the income of the entrepreneur – the businessman who combines factor inputs to produce a good or service.
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